A candidate, in order to be qualified for a certificate of competency of the Second Class, shall, inter alia, satisfy the examiners that; |
( a ) | He clearly understands |
( I ) | the working and management of a steam boiler and economizer; |
( II ) | the use and purpose of the various valves, cocks, mountings and fitting; |
( III ) | the precautions to be taken and procedure to be observed before starting fires and when raising steam; |
( IV ) | the use of a feed pump and injector |
( V ) | the reading of the pressure gauge; |
( VI ) | the need for periodical cleaning and pure water supply and prevention of scale or other deposits on heating surfaces; |
( VII ) | the need for periodical inspection of boilers and the manner in which they should be prepared for thorough inspection, hydraulic test and steam test; |
( VIII ) | the precautions to be taken before entering or allowing any person to enter a boiler that is connected to another boiler under steam; |
( IX ) | the use of the best means of firing for the prevention of smoke; |
( X ) | the danger of water lodging in steam pipes and the precautions to be observed in draining; |
( XI ) | the procedure to be followed in the event of shortage of water, bulging or fracture of furnaces of flat plates or bursting of tubes or of any accident to a boiler or steam pipe; |
( XII ) | precautions to be taken when starting an economizer to work after a period of rest; and |
( XIII ) | procedure to be adopted in bringing an economizer in to commission and also for putting it out of commission while the boiler is on steam; and that |
( B ) | He is able |
( I ) | to stoke a boiler including cleaning and banking fires in a workmanlike manner |
( II ) | to show how avoidable smoke may be prevented; |
( III ) | to blow though and test the correctness of water gauge glasses and test cocks |
( IV ) | to replace a gauge glass and show how a false water-level might be shown |
( V ) | to ease a safety valve and use a blow down cock or valve |
( VI ) | to adjust a high steam and low water safety valve and renew a fusible plug |
( I ) | to stoke a boiler including cleaning and banking fires in a workmanlike manner |
( VII ) | to pack pump or valve chest glands |
( VIII ) | to grind and adjust cocks and valves |
( IX ) | to take a feed pump or injector to pieces and replace in working order; and |
( X ) | to handle appliances provided for keeping the economizer clean |
A candidate, in order to be qualified for a certificate of competency of the Second Class, shall, inter alia, satisfy the examiners that