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We invite all candidates wishing to develop career in Power Plant Technologies.

Training & Education

We assure our candidates the best quality of Boiler Training & Education system in India.

Industry Placements

We offer 100% job assurance to all our students who have completed the course successfully.

Power Plant - Courses - Industry-Institute Tie up programs

Admission Open

Power Plant Technology

Admission Open

Boiler Operator - 2 nd Class

Certification from State Boiler Board

Admission Open

Boiler Operator - 1st Class

Certification from State Boiler Board

Admission Open

Boiler Operational Engineering (BOE)

Certification from State Boiler Board

Admission Open

IBR Welder

Certification from State Boiler Board

Admission Open

Turbine Technology

Our Ex - Boiler Students

  All are well placed in leading companies and drawing handsome salary  

Course Inquiry Form

Results for Jharkand Board - Empowering youth….. Empowering Nation…….

  • Proud for the result of our students BOILER ATTENDANT 2ND CLASS. JH BOARD Achievement 37 out of 37 and 55 of 55 for BOILER ATTENDANT 1ST CLASS

Results - Boiler 2nd Class

Sr.No: Name: Registration No:
2 ABDUL KALIM BOTC2220106114759868
3 BISHAL DAS BOTC2220103163607624
4 BHARAT MAJHI BOTC2220105165728748
5 BIBHU RANJAN PARIDA BOTC2220105162150771
6 BASANT KUMAR SAHU BOTC2220105182639754
7 BASANT KUMAR PATI BOTC2220105192839752
8 BISWAJIT MOHANTY BOTC2220105160155851
9 BIREN KUMAR PATI BOTC2220107173032644
10 CHANDRA SEKHAR PANDA BOTC2220104191839133
11 DEBASHISH SARANGI BOTC2220103160855551
12 DINESH SIVAJI CHAVAN BOTC2220107131325232
13 GAJENDRA ROUT BOTC2220106112911786
14 GOPAL KRISHNA SAMAL BOTC2220106162323350
15 JAYDEV THAKUR BOTC2220103171205825
16 LALU MAHARANA BOTC2220106101921149
17 MANOJ KUMAR PRADHAN BOTC2220106134941861
18 MD JAMSHED BOTC2220110172525608
19 PRASANNA SAHOO BOTC2220105134208242
20 PRATIBINDU DAS BOTC2220107185011238
21 PRAKASH BHUYAN BOTC2220107110655559
22 PANKAJA GAUDA BOTC2220108190940691
23 RAHUL KUMAR BOTC2220110101941978
24 RAJENDRA PRADHAN BOTC2220110170652621
25 RISHIKESH SUMAN BOTC2220107121623453
26 RANJAN CHAKRABORTY BOTC2220108123526870
27 SAMIL LUHARA BOTC2220104131647867
28 SUNIL TIRKEY BOTC2220104134049261
29 SURJEET KUMAR VENGRA BOTC2220106121133547
30 SIDHARTHA MAHATO BOTC2220106104059312
31 SAROJ KUMAR PATRA BOTC2220107174830164
32 SATISH KUMAR BOTC2220107123557085
33 SRIMAD SUVENDU SAMAL BOTC2220107145659192
35 TARANISEN NAIK BOTC2220107161006665
36 TUSAR RANJAN NAHAK BOTC2220110111704706
37 VICKY ANAND SAHU BOTC2220104213422015

Results - Boiler 1St Class

Sr.No: Name: Roll No:
2 AJIT KUMAR PATEL BOTC1220103112856757
4 PARESH KUMAR PARIDA BOTC1220104114320484
6 BIJAY KETAN SWAIN BOTC1220104180651600
7 MANAS SEKHAR DAS BOTC1220104161218827
8 BISWANATH LENKA BOTC1220105123402664
10 DILIP KUMAR TRIPATHY BOTC1220105135734883
11 PRAMOD KUMAR PATEL BOTC1220104101911720
12 PRADIP KUMAR SAHOO BOTC1220104185622449
13 MANOJA KUMAR SAHU BOTC1220105125801459
14 SRI PATI SEKHAR JENA BOTC1220105132422488
15 SUMIT GUPTA BOTC1220104190454418
16 RAMAKANTA BAL BOTC1220104170232957
17 SAURABH KUMAR SINGH BOTC1220104205542558
18 DILLIP KUMAR BUDULA BOTC1220105162601889
20 SAMANTA KUMAR BEHERA BOTC1220104195236655
21 CHANDAN KUMAR GIRI BOTC1220104183455803
22 RAJ KUMAR BEHERA BOTC1220107141945600
24 LINGARAJ SAHU BOTC1220105195725221
25 RAJ KISHOR ROUT BOTC1220106123332283
26 NALINI KANTA PANI BOTC1220108115148009
27 BISWANATH KAR BOTC1220105174146015
29 SRIBANTA DAS BOTC1220105171612284
30 RANJIB KUMAR SAHU BOTC1220106190827729
31 NAROTTAM SAMAL BOTC1220106201602640
33 RANJAN DAS BOTC1220106175643854
34 DEV KUMAR KARSH BOTC1220107170405944
35 JADUNATH PARIDA BOTC1220107165422915
36 BARAJ KISHORE TIWARI BOTC1220106200538657
37 SUMIT KUMAR PANDEY BOTC1220107130238629
40 JANMAJAY PANDA BOTC1220108132821750
41 SHASHI BINDU KUMAR BOTC1220106193348590
43 BHARAT VADU DEVIKAR BOTC1220106185830603
44 BALU DADABHAU MAPARI BOTC1220106172619500
45 VISHAL DADA KALAMKAR BOTC1220106191631018
46 MOHAMMAD MOBARAK BOTC1220107194822420
49 HIRANMAYA DEV GURU BOTC1220108175825239
50 RAJMAL BASKEY BOTC1220108174258798
52 RUDRAMANI MAHAKUD BOTC1220110164830470
53 CHITTA RANJAN BARICK BOTC1220108172319733
54 BISWAJIT GHOSH BOTC1220110134253356
55 RAJKUMAR NIHAR DAS BOTC1220106180258626

Director's View

We are not only recognized for the hard work which we have put in since 1990, but also recognizing the contributions of the people who have worked with us for those 32 years.We offer best industry best salary for our employees. We have many people who work for us for a long time. We keep them like our family. There is no magic formula for success, no genie with three wishes. It is work, work, and more work.

At any cost we have to keep our commitment for the best teaching, best training& best employment. We dare to say that our students are quality product & we take utmost care to our students both in practical and theoretical to have a best output, to work in industries. The valued persons who are renowned name in Boiler & Power Plant Technology, like Directors, Deputy Directors, Boiler executive, Power Plant consultants, boiler technocrats, Senior Professors and Manufacturers. They are always respectable not only for our students, because it is a “GURUKUL” of Boiler & Power Technology.

"Mr. Bikash Patra" -   Director SDEAS Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd.

About Boiler Maintenance & Research Institute

With each passing day the importance of boiler technocrats in each and every industry is increasing in direct proportion to demand. After liberalization of Indian economy the demands for qualified boiler technocrats has increased manifold because multinationals are getting interested in opening of new industries in India where the scope of boiler technicians (boiler 2nd class, 1st class & boiler operational engineers) has increased significantly. Thus boiler technicians and engineers have an opportunity to serve in chemical related industries, power plants,steel plants, paper industries, oil refinery industry, sugar, textile, leather and agro-based industry, shipping corporation of India and abroad. .

Thus we at SDEAS rightly judge the need of the hour and set on the mission to produce the best technocrats in the field of Boiler and Power Plant technology by providing the theorytical and practical through the full time self developed training course BOILER MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING..

It is the only boiler training institute in India which is time tested in this line since 1990, to prepare aspirants to be accrue with highly skilled boiler engineers/ operators and technocrats to face the challenges in first growing industrialization in the country. It's workshops are well equipped with different types of boiler models, training manuals and reference books on boiler maintenance and operations.We are also have a good tie up with the Industries having Power plants and Boilers . This course, first of its kinds in India was started by some enthusiastic qualified promoter and was assisted by a team of highly experienced engineers, power plants professionals/consultants / engineers, boilers technocrats and senior professors under central boiler maintenance research trust. Career in BME is an attraction of the new generation because it provides job opportunity prosperity in India and abroad. The pass out students can join in state govt./ central govt./ and large private sector undertakings..

The training programs are imparted to individual students in different boiler based industries, boiler manufacturing industries to make them expert in operation/ maintenance/ erection and fabrications of different types of water tube boilers. This practical training is correlated with course syllabus of each theory paper. During Industrial visit program and regular impact training program each trainee observe various types of boiler operation and function, they can understand theoretical phenomenon by practical simulation. After completion of the training each trainee is bound to do a project on the basis of the training programme.

Why Boiler Training is Essential ?

Boiler is a fired pressurized vessel which may explode if not handled properly. Utmost care to be taken for the safety of the boiler and personal as well. The importance of a trained boiler attendant can be compared with that of the safety mounting of the boiler. A qualified boiler attendants is the one who has adequate knowledge (Theoretically & Practically) about the types of boiler normally in use. That is what we develop in our institute. Trained boiler attendants are essential to prevent accident like that happened in Shiva Shakti Rice Mill at Sambalpur, Orissa in 2002. .

A Solution to Un-Employment Problem

With the rise of population in India the percentage of unemployed manpower has also increased. The qualifications in the general like BA, Bsc., Msc., B.Com. etc. have been found to be insufficient to provide a satisfying occupation for the youth. Simultaneously there is also need for specific skilled personnel for certain fields. SDEAS has tapped one such opportunity. The need for power and Boiler professionals will always be there in this highly modern age. We at SDEAS Educate, Train the young boys and girls in the skilled technical line of Boiler operations and Maintanance and Provide with the certificate acknowledged by the state GOVTs./Central Govt. and Industries. We are trying our best to provide a great future to the Jobless Youth of this country.

Our Boiler Training Includes

  • THEORY -: INDUSTRIAL FUELS : Solid , liquid and gaseous fuels – coal , peats , lignite etc . Properties of coal - coal preparation and cleaning , size of coal and storage of coal , Oxidation and deterioration of coal in storage.
  • PRACTICAL :- Operation of various types of valves , check valve, stop valve by pass valve , gate valve , beadle valve , steam valve etc.
  • THEORY -: Elementary principles of combustion and methods of firing different fuels in boilers . Chemical reaction and factors affecting combustion such as temperature , surface area etc. The product of combustion specific heat of gaseous . Air supply and effects of excess and in sufficient primary and secondary air on combustion . Ash fusion – analysis of the gases .
  • PRACTICAL :- Operation of fans and blowers like forced draft fans , induced draft fans etc including starting , stopping capacity adjustment etc.
  • THEORY -: Steam Its heating and power properties . Principles of steam and application in Modern Boilers. Steam preventing , escape of heat , lagging , Steams distribution, charging of steam and water line , steam quality , condensate handling , traps etc. Wet steam saturated steam , super heated steam and their properties . Boiling point , temperature and pressure relations, sensible heat , latest heat super heat, reheat and total heat , use of steam table and entropy chart.
  • PRACTICAL :- Operation of fuel(i.e. Coal/Oil/Gas) feeding mechanism including adjustment of flow of coal , Grate drive and draft regulation for proper combustion . Use of mechanical stoker.
  • THEORY -: HEAT TRANSMISSION : Methods of heat transfer – conduction – transmission of heat through boiler plate and composite walls as well pipe covering , convection – natural and forced , convection in liquids , heat transfer from condensing Vapors - Boiler circulation and radiation.
  • PRACTICAL:-Normal level control in Boilers . Operation and reading of gauge glass etc. Level control during the emergency operations and use of blow down valves.
  • THEORY-: Steam Generator (Boiler)-: Internal pressure versus stress , elementary knowledge of boiler drum construction and development and drum internals. Boiler metallurgy . Types of boilers . Fire tube boilers. Fire tube boilers, locomotive boilers, Cornish boiler, Lancashire boiler, water tube boilers, vertical tubular boiler , Economic boiler, waste heat Boiler and Electric Boilers . Advantages of water tube boilers – Over fire tube boilers and bent tube boilers, over straight tube boilers. Different between box type header and sectional header. Types of water walls used for finance and their purpose . Use and types of baffles , feed water temperature Elementary furnace design – water circulation . Effects of high temperature on boiler steel.
  • PRACTICAL :-Reading and control of steam pressure and steam flow. Operation of super heater and re-heater. Control of super heat and reheat Temperature.
  • THEORY:- Boiler Auxiliary Plant- Boiler mounting and fittings; Description and use of safety valves, blow down valves, check valves, combination stop and check valves, gauge glasses (mounted and remote type)draught pressure gauges, fusible plugs, re –heater, chair grate and spreader stoker etc. Different types of drum water level gauges and flame indicators. Use and advantage of televised viewers, for drum water level and furnace flame.
  • PRACTICAL:- Operation of water softener equipment including feed water softener. Clarificulators precipitators filters, chemical dosing etc. Pre and post chlorination system. Reaction of I on exchanges etc.
  • THEORY -:BURNERS AND FIRING :- Types of pulverized fuel burners and their control function dof each component of the burner –purpose of primary and secondary air supply methods of transporting pulverized fuel from coal mills to burners . Arrangements of burner for tangential firing , horizontal front firing , single down and double down shot firing etc . Causes and remedy of fires in coal burners pipes . Safety precautions to be adopted in cases of fires causes, effects and prevention of furnace explosives. Importance of furnace purging and how it is achieved, types of oil burners in sue. Injection of oil steam, mechanical atomization of oil , study of typical oil burners and purpose of each component. Types of oil liquation torches – their Function and use Description and use of spark ignitors and oil swebs of oil torches Gas firing system.
  • PRACTICAL.:- Correct use of various types of cock mounting and accessories used on Boilers. Firing and raising, steam and blow down in Boilers precautions to be Taken –procedure to be observe before starting, firing and when raising steam.
  • THEORY- Stocking and boiler operation -Methods of hand and mechanical firing water level-glow-down-cleaning fires-banking up fires cleaning heating surface- case of refractories-carbon losses clinker formation-difference between the use pulverized fuels in boilers and firing on gratis, emergency operations explosion hazards feed pumps failure ID or FD fun failure grate or stocker failures and fuel oil pump failure
  • PRACTICAL:- Operation of boiler feed pumps - starting and stopping, including emergency operation. purpose of balance chamber, leak off and recirculation line. Checking and correctness of pressure gauge.
  • THEORY- Super Heater Re-heater and De-Superheaters-Different types of super heater and their function-Location of super heaters in high temperature and high pressure boilers. Requirement of super heater. Methods of controlling super heat temperature of steam .Effects of temperature on super heater tubes. Purpose and general application of De-super heaters .Advantage and disadvantage of two general types of De-super heater. Importance of drains and vents in super heaters .
  • PRACTICAL -- Internal conditioning of Boiler water by checking the TDS and alkalinity by blow down to prevent sealing, priming ,carry over and caustic gauging, conditioning of steam and condensate cycle. Importance of silica in high pressure Boilers and how it is controlled.
  • THEORY - Soot Blower-Purpose and types of soot blowers .Fixed and retarding types and their use. Precautionary measures taken while soot blowing. Methods of soot blowing and cleaning boiler furnace during operation
  • PRACTICAL - Periodic cleaning and filling the boiler with demineraled or condensate for prevention of scale or other deposits on heating surfaces.
  • THEORY:- Feed Water Regulator and boiler feed water pumps - Method of regulating feed water to boiler. Description and sue of bailes type of feed water regulation valve and purpose of bypass valve in the system Different types of feed water pumps Constructional details of multistage pump. Use of recirculation line and balance chamber .Purpose of balance drum and of pump warming line and speed control.
  • PRACTICAL:- Periodical Inspection of Boilers- preparation of borders for testing- Hydraulic test and steam test. Precautions to be taken before entering or allowing persons to entre boiler which is connected to another boiler on the steam.
  • THEORY :- Water Treatment- Object of feed water treatment- water analysis water of high pressure boilers. Impurities in water and their harmful effects. Effects of other suspended matter such as oil, alkalinity. Hardness etc. In feed water- total dissolved solids- methods of purification- use of Deacrators- priming and foaming- scale formation and corrosion. Chemical cleaning of boiler, softening and demineralizer plant.
  • PRACTICAL :- Correct method firing and combustion control for prevention of smoke. Testing the correctness of gauge glass and cocks by blowing through them.
  • THEORY :-Knowledge of modern packages types boilers and automatic boilers, their advantages over other boilers. Different types. Efficiency of Boiler (Overall and thermal)
  • PRACTICAL :- Adjustment of safety valves for correct blowing pressure. Detection of false water level and knowledge of alarm devices
  • THEORY :- Boiler Testing – Losses due to incomplete combustion loss due to escape of solid combustible matter with ash, soot etc. Loss due to escape of combustible gages chimney loss. Heat carried away by moisture formed from Hydrogen, loss due to radiation and other losses – summarized neat account.
  • PRACTICAL :- Boiler safety precautions. Observation of easing a safety valve. Use of blow cock or valve.
  • THEORY :- Knowledge of different methods of fixing tubes by expanding with ferrules, changing, grinding and adjusting cooks and valve etc. study of Boiler Act/Rules 1923.
  • PRACTICAL :- Cleaning of oil torches. Adjustment of high steam and low water safety valve. Renewal of fuseable plus. Use of spark ignitors and oil pumps for oil torches.

  • "As a result these students can gain adequate knowledge to produce satisfactory answers before boiler technocrats in BACC examination by state boiler boards and also in final maintenance engineering examination, for which they are able to get valuable jobs in govt.& large private undertaking since 1990 and that to, we are proud of our boys. It should born in mind that this is one of a few fields where a person with only high schools education but willing to work hard, can progress from Boiler Attendant to Chief Engineer post."



( a ) Calculation of loads, areas, volumes, quantities and weights
( b ) Description of the principal types of steam boilers used on land and to state the purpose and reason for which different types of boilers are employed; and from the data and formulae supplied, calculate the safe working pressure for any part of a boiler in accordance with the Indian Boiler Regulations;
( c ) Calculation of the direct stress, the torsional stress and the bending stress in round bars and shafts and the bending stress in rectangular bars and levers with given load;
( d ) Working and management of steam boilers, super heaters and economizers
( e ) Use and purpose of various valves, cocks, mountings, fitting and other safety devices.
( f ) Function of feed pumps, feed injectors, feed regulators, feed water filters and softners, feed heaters, air heaters, calorifiers, steam accumulators, forced draught, induced draught, induced draught and automatic draught control devices;
( g ) Fact relating to combustion, heat and steam and calculate consumption of coal and water and quality of steam that may be generated from given heating surface under the various systems of draught, in any land boiler and also calculate overall efficiency of boiler plant
( h ) Explanation of jet and surface condensation, reheating and the working of steam expansion


( i ) Explanation of general methods employed in laying foundation for boilers and chimneys and the suitable area and height of chimneys to promote efficient combustion.
( j ) Explanation of significance of principle appliances in use for prevention of smoke and the principle on which they work and give description of the principle mechanical stokers, pulverizes, gas oil and pulverized fuel system in use
( k ) The need of periodical cleaning, the method used for prevention of scale or other deposits on heating surface and the necessity for maintaining a certain PH value in feed water.
( l ) Detection of defects in boilers and state the means and methods of recitifying them
( m ) Understands the precautions to be taken for starting a boiler and economizer out of commission while the boiler is on steam
( n ) Understands the procedure to be adopted in putting an economizer out of commission while the boiler is on steam
( o ) Explanation of the methods adopted for the achievement of fuel economy and the use of various instruments in a Boiler House
( p ) Materials used in Boiler components and piping


( q) Explanation of general methods employed in laying foundation for boilers and chimneys and the suitable area and height of chimneys to promote efficient combustion.



A candidate, in order to be qualified for a certificate of competency of the Second Class, shall, inter alia, satisfy the examiners that;

( a )   He clearly understands
( I ) the working and management of a steam boiler and economizer;
( II ) the use and purpose of the various valves, cocks, mountings and fitting;
( III ) the precautions to be taken and procedure to be observed before starting fires and when raising steam;
( IV ) the use of a feed pump and injector
( V ) the reading of the pressure gauge;
( VI ) the need for periodical cleaning and pure water supply and prevention of scale or other deposits on heating surfaces;
( VII ) the need for periodical inspection of boilers and the manner in which they should be prepared for thorough inspection, hydraulic test and steam test;
( VIII ) the precautions to be taken before entering or allowing any person to enter a boiler that is connected to another boiler under steam;
( IX ) the use of the best means of firing for the prevention of smoke;
( X ) the danger of water lodging in steam pipes and the precautions to be observed in draining;
( XI ) the procedure to be followed in the event of shortage of water, bulging or fracture of furnaces of flat plates or bursting of tubes or of any accident to a boiler or steam pipe;
( XII ) precautions to be taken when starting an economizer to work after a period of rest; and
( XIII ) procedure to be adopted in bringing an economizer in to commission and also for putting it out of commission while the boiler is on steam; and that
( B ) He is able
( I ) to stoke a boiler including cleaning and banking fires in a workmanlike manner
( II ) to show how avoidable smoke may be prevented;
( III ) to blow though and test the correctness of water gauge glasses and test cocks
( IV ) to replace a gauge glass and show how a false water-level might be shown
( V ) to ease a safety valve and use a blow down cock or valve
( VI ) to adjust a high steam and low water safety valve and renew a fusible plug
( I ) to stoke a boiler including cleaning and banking fires in a workmanlike manner
( VII ) to pack pump or valve chest glands
( VIII ) to grind and adjust cocks and valves
( IX ) to take a feed pump or injector to pieces and replace in working order; and
( X ) to handle appliances provided for keeping the economizer clean



A Candidate in order to be qualified for a certificate of competency of the First Class, shall satisfy the examiners that in addition to the subject specified for candidates for certificate of competency of the Second Class, he has at least a rudimentary knowledge of the principal elementary facts relating to combustion, heat and steam ; and that he is able to explain inter alia

( a ) The working and management of steam boilers, super heaters and economizer;
( b ) The use and purpose of various valves, cocks, mounting fitting and other mountings fitting and other safety devises
( c ) Description and the functions of feed pumps, feed injector, feed regulators, feed water filters and softeners, feed heaters, air heaters, calorifiers, steam accumulators, force draught, induced draught and automatic draught control devices
( d ) Answer to question on fact relating to combustion, heat and steam and calculate consumption of coal and water and quantity of steam that may be generated from a given grate area of heating surface under the various systems of draught, in any land boiler and also calculate the overall efficiency of boiler plant
( e ) The significance of principal appliance in use for the prevention of smoke and the principle on which they work and give description of the principal mechanical strokes, pulverizers, gas, oil, and pulverized fuel systems in use
( f ) The need for periodical cleaning, the methods used for prevention of scale or other deposits of heating surfaces and the necessity for maintaining a certain PH value in feed water
( g ) Detection of defects in boilers and state the means and methods of rectifying them
( h ) The precautions to be taken for starting a boiler an economizer from cold or from banked fire condition
( i ) The procedure to be adopted in putting an economizer out of commission while the boiler is on steam
( j ) The methods adopted for the achievements of fuel economy and the use of various instruments used in a Boiler House
( k ) The principal causes and effects of corrosion and incrustation and the usual remedies employed
( l ) The object of the use of water softeners
( m ) The principles on which feed pumps and injectors work
( n ) The principles on which appliances for the prevention of smoke works; and the purpose of super-heaters, economizers, feed heaters, feed filters, forced and induced draft appliances and mechanical stokers


Boiler Repair & Maintenance Services for Industries

How can I get a JOB after course completion?

SDEAS - Manpower Outsourcing Company

Over the years of teaching, SDEAS slowly enered into providing Boiler Manpower and ONM Service provider all over India.SDEAS Corporate Services (I) Pvt. Ltd. is one the most trusted and recognized brand in the field of STAFFING and OUTSOURCING services to the Industries in India since 1990

Industry Tie Ups

SDEAS has associated with leaqding industries in India for staffing consultancy services. Our students are well placed in leading industries in India. Some of our past students are working as a General Manager is some companies.


Staff and Students Celebrating Big BOE Success

Latest News

Boiler Saathi - Mission

Our Mission is to make our client Industries reach the highest peak of success with our association as a partner in the field of Boiler O & M services , Manpower Outsourcing services and other Boiler related services.

Our Achievements

Boiler Training provided to more than 2,000 Students till date
1st Class Operators - More than 1500 Students
Boiler O&M Services - More than 12 Industries
Placements provided to more than 5,000 students..and continuing
Manpower services partner for more than 50 Industries